
If you want to volunteer to work with the band or colorguard, you must be an approved Salem-Keizer School District volunteer. It’s very easy, you just visit the SK district’s volunteer application web page, and fill out the form. Do this early, it can take a month for the approval, so start now. (Note: School district employees are already pre-approved, and do not need to apply.)

On that page, click on the “Submit a Criminal History Check” button to get started.

When you are approved, you remain on the volunteer list for (about) three years. So, if you haven’t re-applied recently, take care of it now. Call the Sprague office to check on your volunteer status – the band boosters don’t run the background check program, so we don’t know your approval status.

Once you’ve applied for volunteer approval from the school district, please contact us, and we’ll happily connect you to the coordinator for that activity.

Volunteer Group Clearing Litter In Park