Ways to Help

Passive Fundraisers

There are many ways to help raise money for Sprague High Band and Colorguard Boosters that can take place 24/7 and require no extra purchasing on your part! Below you will find some options available that anyone can do to help us raise funds.

Fred Meyer Community Rewards Logo

Fred Meyer Community Rewards

If you shop at Fred Meyers you can link your Fred Meyers rewards card to - Sprague band and Color Guard Boosters.  You still get all your great savings and Fred Meyers makes an additional donation to the band.  It only takes a few minutes.

QR to sign up for Fred Meyer rewards.
Logo for Bottle Drop Give program

Bottle Drop

We have established a Bottle Drop account.  Contact us to get blue Bottle Drop bags with the Sprague High Band and Cologuard Boosters sticker.  We receive all proceeds from redeemed bags.  You can also instruct any amount in your personal Bottle Drop account to be directed to us.  When filling out the contact us form include your address so we know where to leave the bags.

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

Sponsorships help us offset general operations costs: transportation, equipment purchase/maintenance, uniform cleaning, feeding student performers at competitions, supplemental instruction, etc.

Interested in becoming a sponsor?  Contact us or complete the sponsorship order form.

Additional Donations

Your donation will be used to help offset the general operating costs of the Sprague Band program.  Donated funds will also be applied in the form of financial aid to students in need to help reduce the cost of their participation in this program.  If you would like to have your donation go to a particular project or student, please specify that when making your donation.