
The Sprague High Band and Colorguard Boosters is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, volunteer organization.  Sponsorships are appreciated in any amount, are tax deductible, and a receipt can be provided upon request.

Sponsorships help us offset general operations costs: transportation, equipment purchase/maintenance, uniform cleaning, feeding student performers at competitions, supplemental instruction, etc.


Platinum Business Partners

Logo for Open Dental Software

Open Dental - Opendental.com

Logo for Willamette Valley Music Company

Willamette Valley Music Company

Gold Business Partners

Logo for Les Schwab Tires

Les Schwab Tires

Silver Business Partners

Logo for Uptown Music

Uptown Music

Logo of McDonald's



Huggins Insurance

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

Sponsorships help us offset general operations costs: transportation, equipment purchase/maintenance, uniform cleaning, feeding student performers at competitions, supplemental instruction, etc.

Interested in becoming a sponsor?  Contact us or complete the sponsorship order form.